
Posts Tagged ‘easy decorating’

upcycled fabric banner

upcycled fabric banner

Here in Brasilia there are lots of parties, fireworks break the silence most weekend nights, and sometimes even during the week.  The parties are loud and they go on until dawn begins to break.  It’s amazing how long and often these Brazilians party.

A past weekend our neighbors began preparing their home for another all-night fest, and while I was dreading the noise until the wee hours I was envious of the decorations.  Along the front fence and then into their yard were meters and meters of banners.  The banners consisted of little pastel and fluorescent colored squares on a thin string.  They were all colors and when night fell the addition of just a little light made them really pretty.  The best part was that then they took them down and used them for a party on the following weekend.

We’re going to get ourself settled enough to have a party at the end of October, so I’ve been upcycling some of my thrift store clothes into cloth banners to do up our yard.  I can’t wait!

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